The two main varieties of parsley (continental flat leaf and curly) are widely used in the culinary world. What would a seafood buffet or the butcher shop window be without sprigs of parsley scattered everywhere? The plant will generally live for two years, although the second year is mainly concentrated on flowering and seed production. Leaving a few of the flower heads go to seed will mean a self-perpetuating parsley garden, and no more buying seeds annually! Parsley is perfect to use as a garden border or planting in pots for your organic container herb garden. Don't bother with dried parsley or the dead and dying bunches from the supermarket - in a few weeks you'll have your own fresh parsley to pick as you need.
Sowing: Sow thickly direct in garden, or several seeds in each cell of a seedling tray. Plant from mid-Spring to early Autumn in rich, freely draining soil in a warm sunny place.
Germination: Can be sporadic and slow (up to 3 or 4 weeks), but watering in gently with boiling water or soaking seeds overnight before sowing ensures faster and more consistent results. Covering with a thin layer (about 1cm) of very fine organic seed raising mix will also help new plants push through to the surface. Keep soil moist but not wet - a seed raising container with a clear lid is great for holding moisture and warmth.
Growing: When seedlings are well established, thin out, leaving only the strongest plants 10-20cm apart. Water well with an organic seaweed solution or compost tea to promote strong root growth and minimise stress on remaining plants. Top dress with organic compost and mulch.
Harvesting: Nip out selected leaves with fingers or sharp scissors, being careful not to disturb the roots. The best part is the more you pick, the denser the plants will become.
Uses: Most commonly seen scattered haphazardly over food as a garnish, parsley is useful for so much more. Use in sauces, salads, stews, egg dishes, tomato dishes, herb crumbs for meat, risottos etc etc. Chewing on a sprig of parsley will freshen breath and remove heavy odours like garlic and curry. It is known to be a diuretic, an anti-cancer agent and for aiding kidney and heart function. It is high in potassium, vitamin c and available calcium.
The best time to sow parsley throughout most of Australia is now, so grab some seeds at the store, or order online and get planting!
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