Planting reminders for April are now up on Gardenate. Just choose your climate zone from the drop down list for a table of plants good to be sown now, and what to get prepared for May. You can also sign up for reminders to be emailed to you every month to keep your kitchen garden growing year round.
Autumn is also the time to grow flowering plants to attract insects that will prey on aphids, grubs, spider mites and scale and assist with pollination. Try using edible plants such as calendula, nasturtium, dill, coriander, basil, parsley, chives, sage, lemon balm and viola for dual purpose growing.
Prune back dead and diseased wood to promote lush new growth. Be carefuel to never prune back more than about 1/3 of the total plant size.
Plant growth is starting to slow down now that the weather is cooling off but the roots will still be growing in the warm soil so it's time to feed plants and lawn with an organic fertiliser to build up strength over winter.
Clumping plants can be divided and replanted, sickly plants can be transplanted or composted (make sure they're aren't diseased) and messy areas tidied up.
Take advantage of the cooler weather and the long weekends to make this year your best gardening year yet!
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